Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saul Bass

    Saul Bass:

While not the most current artist his designs are what made the change from 20th century Graphic Design or such a large and great step forward. Bass is known for his logo designs for major firms such as girl scouts of america, United Way of America, Rockwell International and Frontier Airlines all remarkable designs that are regarded not just before their time but actually set the tone for the next generation of Graphic Designers.

The reason why it he is said to be the changing point for the 20th century is the simplistic and smooth designs created by all his works. Not only having those elements make a Saul Bass logo though the ability to create such a great image but being able to tell what the corporation represents.

1 comment:

  1. I have always been influenced by his work in my design. It is great to see that many others have been inspired as well, and yet can push their art even further like in the title sequence of "Catch Me If You Can". A great twist to honor the work of Saul Bass.
